Candidate Information
All candidates must file an affidavit of candidacy for office. Candidates must state that the name listed on their affidavit is their true name by which they are commonly known in the community. A candidate phone number is required. Affidavits must be signed in the presence of a notary or an individual authorized to administer oaths. Staff of the Pierz City Hall can perform this function.
Address of Residence Form
All candidates must provide proof of residency within the filing precinct.
Candidate Information Form
The Election Candidate Information Form produced by the Secretary of State is attached. Completion of the form is voluntary. If completed, the form will be posted on the Secretary of State website as a pdf document.
Information provided by candidates at the time of filing will be posted on the website of the MN Secretary of State. Be advised that subsequent changes to that information may be made but may not appear for 2-3 days after submission to this office. Therefore, please review all information provided carefully to ensure contact numbers, email addresses, etc. are correct at the time of filing.
Affidavit of Withdrawl
Affidavits of withdrawal are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 15th, 2024. The filing fee is not refundable.
Certification of Filing Campaign Financial Report Form
ALL candidates must file the “Certification of Filing Campaign Financial Reports” form due on November 12th, 2024.
Statutory Sign Placement Restrictions
Campaign signs can be posted between June 28th, 2024 and November 15th, 2024. State statute prohibits placement of signs in certain areas including:
- Placement, painting, printing or affixing on any object within the limits of any highway;
- On private land without the consent of the owner or occupant;
- On public utility poles;
- On trees or shrubs;
- By painting or drawing on rocks or natural features; and
- Within the “right of way” or blocking the sight lines of drivers entering the highway or leaving the highway onto public streets or private driveways
Municipal Sign Placement Restrictions
All political posters or signs in accordance with applicable Minnesota Statutes are considered temporary and allowed without permit provided they are removed within ten (10) days following the election for which they are intended.
Determining Rights-of-Way
Rights-of-way vary from location to location and can be difficult for candidates and campaign workers to determine. General right-of-way information can be obtained at Pierz City Hall at (320) 468-6471.
Removal of Campaign Signs
Remove within ten (10) days following the election for which they are intended.
MN Campaign Manual